Saturday, June 20, 2009

Just another death

A sudden rush towards a bed & we knew, "Gone.. Somebody"
To remind you, it was a ward-day, not even an emergency.
There remained a deep silence, like one before a storm,
As we stood huddled around that lifeless form.

"He was HIV +ve," I heard someone say,
" Don't mourn for him, he was to die anyway."

I can't recall, why I was so shook??
Was it the encounter with the ultimate truth?
Or such a filthy outlook?
... with a hazy mind, I turned to my book..

There were chapters on Heart, Lungs and Brain
Hutchison's "CLINICAL MEDICINE", it read
scanning through the index,
What I could not get, was one on "DEATH."

"DEATH IS A GREAT LEVELLER", atleast I had heard so
But are we really equal after death?
... now, I think, NO!!

(sorry for posting a poem in the blog.. couldn't help myself)

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